ORA includes support for record collections on JewishGen.org. The OraPanel will appear on both record detail pages and result list pages.
ORA's JewishGen service does not support ORA's Record Status feature. The JewishGen repository does not expose unique record identifiers for records that are only visible in result lists, and it does not expose a useful record identifier for records that are visible on record detail pages.
ORA's JewishGen service supports record collections. It does not support JewishGen compiled genealogies or community information records.
As mentioned above, ORA's JewishGen service does not support ORA's Record Status feature.
The tables provided by the JewishGen repository present a challenge for ORA because they vary by collection and they often combine multiple labels or values in a single cell. ORA does its best to separate data into individual fields, but it's not practical to handle all the variations that are present in the JewishGen.org pages.
The presence or absence of data in a data cell may influence the label assigned to a field. For that reason, you may have to adjust Text Templates or Auto Type Templates to handle multiple labels for the same logical field.
Record Detail Pages
On record detail pages, ORA parses field values and adds them to the OraPanel.

Result List Pages
On result list pages, ORA also parses field values and adds them to the OraPanel. ORA adds an OraPanel to result list pages because some result list pages include entries that do not link to a more-detailed record: the result list contains the entire transcription of each included record.
The result list will often have a list with more than one item, but the OraPanel can only display a single record. ORA adds a radio button to select the record of interest.