ORA includes support for Find a Grave.
ORA recognizes two collections on Find a Grave, "Memorials" and "Cemeteries".
Search Results
ORA adds Record Status icons to Find a Grave search results.
On memorial pages, ORA extracts a number of Fields including name, name parts, irth and death dates, cemetery details, memorial geocoordinates, and family members.
The OraPanel also includes links to open or download the primary image associated with the memorial, if any.

Name Parts
As of version 1.03, ORA parses names into name parts. The name parts are provided for the convenience of template authors who would otherwise struggle to use transforms to separate names into parts. The process is not foolproof and users should check the results and manually correct entries that have not been parsed properly. ORA creates the following fields:
- FullName — This is the same as the Name value provided by Find a Grave with the maiden name, if any, removed.
- Prefix — This is the prefix which is before the given name. ORA will only detect prefixes included in the Name Prefixes list.
- GivenName — This is the given name which is the portion before the surname, or before the maiden name if one is present, minus any common prefixes like "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms.", etc.
- Surname — This is the surname which is the portion after the given name, or after the maiden name if one is present. ORA detects certain surname prefixes like "de" and "la", etc., but may not detect the correct surname value for compound surnames. It may also include suffixes in the surname under certain conditions.
- Suffix — This is the suffix which is after the surname. ORA will detect suffixes if they follow a comma. It will also detect suffixes that don't follow a comma if they are on the Name Suffixes list.
- MaidenName — This is the maiden surname which Find a Grave formats in italics. ORA will not detect a maiden name if there are any parenthesized values in the name or multiple maiden name values.
Here are the name part fields shown in the OraPanel for a name Find a Grave displays as "Alta F. Smith Jones":

For cemetery pages, ORA extracts the name and address of the cemetery and its geocoordinates, if present.