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ORA supports transform functions where you can change a value before inserting it in the output. For general information about transforms, see the Text Templates page.

The transforms are categorized as follows:

Date Transforms

The transforms listed below manipulate date values.

For more information about the date transforms, see the Date Transforms page.

Transform Description
date Formats a date
dateAdd Adds days, months, or years to a date
dateDay Returns the day part of a date, a number from 1 to 31
dateDifference Returns the number of days between two dates
dateGtoJ Converts a Gregorian date to a Julian date
dateJtoG Converts a Julian date to a Gregorian date
dateJNYD Specifies the Julian New Year's Day for subsequent conversions
dateMDSwap Swaps the day and month value if they are ambiguous
dateModifier Returns the modifier word from a date, such as "bef", "circa", etc.
dateMonth Returns the month part of a date, a number from 1 to 12
dateMonthAbbr Returns the month part of a date converted to an abbreviated name, "Jan", "Feb", etc.
dateMonthName Returns the month part of a date converted to a name, "January", "February", etc.
dateQuarter Parses the input value to extract a quarter value (1,2,3,4) and a year, then formats the result with an optional argument to specify the format
dateSubtract Subtracts days, months, or years from a date
dateYear Returns the year part of a date with an optional argument to add or substract years
dayOfWeek Returns the day of the week for a Gregorian date

Non-English Dates

Transform Description
dateFrench Converts a date that uses French month names/abbreviations to English and formats it according to the default date format.
dateGerman Converts a date that uses German month names/abbreviations to English and formats it according to the default date format.
dateItalian Converts a date that uses Italian month names/abbreviations to English and formats it according to the default date format.
dateSpanish Converts a date that uses Spanish month names/abbreviations to English and formats it according to the default date format.

DOM Transforms

The transforms listed below access the Document Object Model (DOM) of the current document.

For more information about the DOM transforms, see the DOM Transforms page.

Transform Description
attribute Searches the current HTML document for an element that matches the selector terms and returns the named attribute
query Searches the current HTML document for an element that matches the selector terms and returns the text of the element
queryInner Searches the current HTML document for an element that matches the selector terms and returns the text of the element
queryValue Searches the current HTML document for an element that matches the selector terms and returns the value of the element

Letter Case Transforms

The transforms listed below modify letter casing.

For more information about the letter case transforms, see the Letter Case Transforms page.

Transform Description
capitalize Changes the first letter of words in the value to uppercase, and the remaining letters in the words to lowercase
initialCapital Changes the first letter of the first word in the value to uppercase, and the remaining letters in the value to lowercase
isLowerCase Returns true if the value contains no uppercase letters
isMixedCase Returns true if the value contains uppercase and lowercase letters
isUpperCase Returns true if the value contains no lowercase letters
lowercase Changes the letters in the value to lowercase
uppercase Changes the letters in the value to uppercase

Math Transforms

The transforms listed below perform mathematical functions on values.

For more information about the Math transforms, see the Math Transforms page.

Transform Description
mathAbs Returns the absolute value of a number
mathAdd Adds a number to the value
mathCeiling Rounds the value to the smallest integer greater than or equal to the value
mathDivide Divides the value by a divisor
mathFloor Rounds the value to the largest integer less than or equal to the value
mathMultiply Multiplies the value by a factor
mathRound Rounds the value to the nearest integer
mathSubtract Subtracts a number from the value

Name Transforms

The transforms listed below manipulate name values.

For more information about the name transforms, see the Name Transforms page.

Transform Description
namePrefix Returns returns the name prefix, such as "Mr." in "Mr. John F. Reilly, Jr."
namePrefixRaw Returns returns the name prefix, such as "Mr." in "Mr. John F. Reilly, Jr.", prior to any standardization by ORA
nameGiven Returns returns the given name, such as "John F." in "Mr. John F. Reilly, Jr."
nameGivenRaw Returns returns the given name, such as "John F." in "Mr. John F. Reilly, Jr.", prior to any standardization by ORA
nameSurname Returns returns the surname, such as "Reilly" in "Mr. John F. Reilly, Jr."
nameSurnameRaw Returns returns the surname, such as "Reilly" in "Mr. John F. Reilly, Jr.", prior to any standardization by ORA
nameSuffix Returns returns the name suffix, such as "Jr." in "Mr. John F. Reilly, Jr."
nameSuffixRaw Returns returns the name suffix, such as "Jr." in "Mr. John F. Reilly, Jr.", prior to any standardization by ORA
nameToGivenFirst Converts a name in surname-first format to given-name-first format

Place Transforms

The transforms listed below manipulate place values using conventions for places based on a locale value.

For more information about the place transforms, see the Place Transforms page.

Place Part Value Transforms
Transform Description
placeDetail Returns the detail (street address, etc.) from a place value
placeCity Returns the city, town, or village from a place value
placeCounty Returns the county or district (smaller than state) from a place value
placeDistrict An alias for placeCounty
placeState Returns the state or province from a place value
placeProvince An alias for placeState
placeCountry Returns the country from a place value
placePostalCode Returns the postal code from a place value
Place Part Information Transforms
Transform Description
placeHasDetail Returns true if the given place has a detail component
placeHasCity Returns true if the given place has a city component
placeHasCounty Returns true if the given place has a county (AKA district) component
placeHasDistrict Returns true if the given place has a district (AKA county) component
placeHasState Returns true if the given place has a state (AKA province) component
placeHasProvince Returns true if the given place has a province (AKA state) component
placeHasCountry Returns true if the given place has a country component
placeHasPostalCode Returns true if the given place has a postal code component
Other Place Transforms
Transform Description
placeAddCountry Appends the country name to a place value
placeLocale Returns the locale used by ORA when parsing a place

Table Lookup Transforms

The transforms listed below convert one value to another by using the input value as a key to find the output value in a lookup table.

For more information about the table lookup transforms, see the Table Lookup Transforms page.

Transform Description
abbr Converts the input value to an abbreviation using a lookup table
abbrSplit Splits the input field into substrings and searches for a substring it can convert to an abbreviation using a lookup table
full Converts the input value from an abbreviation a full value using a lookup table
fullSplit Splits the input field into substrings and searches for a substring it can convert from an abbreviation to a full using a lookup table
lookup Converts the input value from its initial value to a replacement value using a lookup table
lookupSplit Splits the input field into substrings and searches for a substring it can convert from its initial value to a replacement value using a lookup table

Text Transforms

The transforms listed below manipulate text values.

For more information about the text transforms, see the Text Transforms page.

Transform Description
append Returns the input value with append's parameter concatenated as a suffix
extract Extracts a substring from the value using a Regular Expression pattern to identify the substring
extractIndex Extracts a substring from the value using a Regular Expression pattern to identify the substring. The pattern may match the value multiple times, and if so, you may specify an index number to indicate which matching value you want to extract
hrefToUrl Converts an HREF value, which may be a relative URL, into a full URL, which will be an absolute URL
initials Returns the first letter of each word in the value followed by a period and a space
length Returns the length of the value
numberToWords Converts the field value from digits ("17") to words ("seventeen")
padLeft Pads the current string with a given string (repeated, if needed) so that the resulting string reaches a given length. The padding is applied from the left (start) of the current string
padRight Pads the current string with a given string (repeated, if needed) so that the resulting string reaches a given length. The padding is applied to the right (end) of the current string
plural Returns one of three text values based on the numeric value of the field value
prepend Returns the input value with prepend's parameter concatenated as a prefix
replace Replaces text that matches either a Regular Expression pattern or a literal value with new text
reverse Splits the field value into parts using the separator to divide the parts and returns a text value with the parts in reverse sequence
split Splits the field value into parts using the separator to divide the parts and returns the part indicated by the index number
splitCount Splits the field value into parts using the separator to divide the parts and returns the number of parts
splitLines Splits the field value into lines and returns the line indicated by the index number
splitLinesCount Splits the field value into lines and returns the number of lines
substring Extracts a subset of characters from a value
urlParameter Returns the input value encoded for use in a URL