On This Page

Usage Information

On Newspapers.com, the OraPanel appears on image pages and clipping pages.

Newspapers.com does not expose a unique ID for each article so, unfortunately, ORA cannot provide Record Status icons.


For ORA's purposes, Newspapers.com has a single collection. ORA assigns it the name "Newspaper Images".


When viewing Newspapers.com image pages, you may find it useful to collapse the OraPanel and move it over an empty section of the Newspapers.com menubar.

Image Pages

Example OraPanel for Image Page

On images pages, ORA extracts information about the newspaper, such as its title, and location, and about the specific image, such as the date and page number.

If you arrived at the image page via a search on Newspapers.com, the OraPanel will also include your search term(s).


If a popup appears that provides more details about an article on the page, those details will be added to the OraPanel. If the popup appears after the OraPanel, perhaps because you have clicked somewhere on the image to highlight an article, the OraPanel will not include the details that are present in the popup panel. If you refresh the OraPanel, ORA will extract the details in the current popup.

Clipping Pages

Example OraPanel for Clipping Page

On clipping pages, ORA extracts information about the newspaper, such as its title, and location, and about the page from which the clipping was made, such as the date and page number. The OraPanel will also include the name of the clipping. For clippings you make yourself, you should assign clipping titles that work well with your citation practices and conventions.

If you refresh the OraPanel after clicking the Newspapers.com "Show article text (OCR)" link, the OraPanel will include the OCR text as a field.